First Blog! 🎉

June 13th, 2021

This blog has been a long time coming.

I have read in numerous places that you don't need to build a blog to start blogging, which is absolutely true.

But Having a small corner on the internet which you can call yours is always a great feeling.

This will be the space where I will document what I already know and whatever knowledge I will acquire further.

This is a virtual locker of my learnings, which I can visit often to check on stuff.

If this helps anyone else too that is absolutely great!

About this site -

This site was constructed using Next Js (I absolutely love the developer experience!).

If you haven't check out their docs and the tutorial, it's amazing. Truly one of the best documentations I have read.

I have done the theming for the site myself, picked a few colors I like.

The fonts used are Montserrat and Merriweather 💜

I will write a blog in the coming days about how to make the flickerless dark theme on Next Js, which was inspired by Josh Comeau's article on how to do it in Gatsby.

If you wanna check the code for that meanwhile, I have made a template for the same.

This a great start and I am sure I will keep expanding this further!

Till next time. 👋